Secondary Framing Components

ATAS secondary framing members are used for attachment and structural support for our panel systems in roof, wall and soffit applications. Components include hat, U and sub-girt type members. In addition, secondary framing members may be used in retro-fit roofing applications to create newly applied slope to an existing flat roof. Common applications include the following:

  • Rainscreen systems
  • Equipment screens
  • Mansard type systems
  • Soffit support framing
  • Metal over metal retro fit

Product Info

.050 aluminum
18 ga., 24 ga. G90 galvanized steel


Hat Sections
Structural U’s

Standard Lengths:

Hat Sections:
–.050 aluminum & 24 ga. G90 galvanized steel: 12′-0″
–18 ga. G90 galvanized steel: 24′-0″

Structural U’s: 12′-0″

Sub-girt: 12′-0″

CAD Details

Details provided allow for typical expansion and contraction values of the metal cladding materials as provided by ATAS International, Inc only. Allowance must be made for additional sub-structure movement based upon materials used and overall project design.
