ATAS International, Inc. offers many color collections to enhance your designs.
The Classic Collection (standard colors) consists of an array of 34 colorful choices which are in stock and available in varied materials, gauges.
The Stellar Collection is a show of trending colors which offers 34 options.
The Metallic Jewel Collection is a set of 23 lustrous colors. This collection is unique as the colors are directional specifc. To ensure the panels look consistent in color during installation, there are directional arrows on the panels.
ATAS’ Brilliant Collection is a small but bold collection consisting of 5 colors.
The Vivid Metallic Collection is a group of 3 colors with a very unique attribute. The colors in this collection appear to change as they are viewed from various angles. This creates quite the dramatic look to your designs.
The Stellar, Metallic Jewel, Brilliant, and Vivid Metallic collections give the designer varied options. As these colors and finish choices are considered nonstandard, additional lead times and cost may be incurred.